7.6 Logistic functions, are cool.
Logistic Function 7-6
Logistic =exponential functions for restrained growth
These functions grow exponentially up to a critical point (x, c/2) then they level off. C is an asymptote for the graph. It is sometimes known as the carrying capacity.
The standard equation for a logistic graph is f(x) = C/ (1+ ab^(-x)) or f(x) = C/ (1+ae^(-bx))
thats all you need to know! heres an example problem...
Example- Bob wants to paint his 100 square foot wall blue. The amount of wall he paints as a function of time is logistic because he starts out slowly because he has never painted a wall before, he gets the hang of it and speeds up, then towards the end he slows down because he is tired and has to be careful.
x(hours)---- y(square feet painted)
1 -----------10
2 -----------25
3 -----------50
4 -----------80
Use the first and last points to find an equation for the function.
Answer -
aight i'm done...
For more, but not better, information. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_function.
Larry/Edward you're next!!?!?!??!
I like how this blog is really compact & clear, especially with the pictures. I literally looked over it for 2 minutes and was like "okay, got it. i'm set for the test maƱana." The only confusting thing is the little cartoon. I don't see the logistic function in the guy's tail.
Yes, confusting.
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