Saturday, October 28, 2006

3-7 Sinusoidal Functions as Mathematical Models


BUT HAVE NO FEAR...cause it's actually not that bad

What you need to do is read the problem, and use the information given to find these four key facts::

  • amplitude
  • sinusoidal axis
  • period
  • phase displacement

also, keep in mind whether you want your equations to be in radians or degrees, and don't forget to set your calculator mode accordingly!

another note: when to use sin and when to use cos

  • SIN:: if the information in the problem speaks about a midpoint
  • COS:: if the information in the problem speaks about a high point
So, here are the steps in a more direct form:

  1. look for the four keys and write an equation
  2. decide whether you want radians or degrees (don't forget to set the calc mode!!)
  3. use your equation to answer the questions in the problem


**More importantly i hope EVERYONE went to homecoming and had a GRRRRRRREAT time!!

If you guys don't already know, there is a civil war going on in Uganda. One thing that the "rebels" are doing is creating armies of children. Why? Because there are so many of them and they don't care if they die. What they do is kidnap the children and train them to become killers, thiefs, and rapists, some as young as 5 years old. The children are threatened into joining because they kill the disobedient ones in front of their eyes. Many of these children want desperately to get out of this situation and sleep in the streets to try to hide at night. There's an organization called INVISIBLE CHILDREN which helps raise awareness and support for these children. They have been growing and making an impact all over. I think it'd be awesome if you guys could take 5 minutes to read up what they're about or watch one of their videos. It REALLY touched me and I want to do everything I can for these kids.

You're up next for the blog


At 9:17 AM, Blogger P Dubs said...

Good reminder there, with the sin for midpoint and cos for a maximum, i had troubles figuring out which was which. THANKs!!!

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Amira said...

Another good reminder--- THE CALCULATOR MODE!!! I always screw that one up! yay for good reminders! ^_^

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Edward said...

Oh shoot, I nearly forgot my second comment >_<. Thanks for reminding me about radian and degree modes. Also, your personalization is awesome.


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